
Hello and welcome to my blog page - Fertility 101

 Hello If you've stumbled across this page, then no doubt you are either looking into or undertaking fertility treatment.  This may be for a number of reasons; you've been trying to conceive for a while; you're in a same sex couple; you are a single wannabe parent....nevertheless, the common goal is the have a baby πŸ‘ΆπŸ£ A little bit about me.....I'm a 37year old female (38 is creeping on me) and I'm in a same sex marriage.  Up until last year, we had no inclinations of having children.  We'd occasionally check in with each if we had changed our minds but enjoyed our freedom and extra disposable income.  We are what the sales industry calls "DINKs" Double Income No Kids....every retailers best friend!!  What changed? If I'm perfectly honest, I'd seen a baby chuck up in its mums hair and her scurry off to the toilets with babe in arms and 10000 muslims....not sure what the selling point was but the moment of chaos was quite appealing.